Clothes Horse

At one or more points in my life you could have described me as a clothes horse, or a person whose chief interest and pleasure is dressing fashionably. Today not so much, but I do enjoy clothes and to be well-dressed. I'm sure I learned to appreciate clothes and how a man should dress from my father.
At one or more points in my life you could have described me as a clothes horse, or a person whose chief interest and pleasure is dressing fashionably. Today not so much, but I still enjoy clothes and to be well-dressed. I'm sure I learned to appreciate clothes and how a man should dress from my father.
My father was a sales representative for a Southern carpet mill and he traveled frequently around the state visiting his clients. He was always well-dressed, meaning he dressed for the occasion. It seemed to be effortless for him and his clothes never upstaged his personality.
When it came to style, no doubt my dad took tips from the leading men of the day. Men such as John F. Kennedy, (fellow Hoosier) Steve McQueen, Paul Newman, Gregory Peck and even Clint Eastwood.
Below I've posted images of what I, and probably my dad, like in the way of men's clothes.