



My blog section features the occasional posts relating to design, branding, sports, history, film, former lives and former wives. Somethings, nothings, meanderings and whatever else strikes me as interesting. Since I grew up in the 60s and 70s, I probably saw it on the TV or heard it on FM radio.


An Open List of My Favorite Album Covers

For my generation, album art for LP vinyl records was an important part of listening to the music we played. In this post, I salute my favorite album cover art in rock history. This is my open list of favorite LP album covers. 'Open' means it's a blog post list that is unfinished and it will be edited over time. There are about 30 covers here, but I feel I have barely made a dent in my list. Take a look and let me know what you think.

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A Song for Any Given Day

There’s a song for rainy days, melancholy days, festive days, long days, forgotten days, happy days, quiet days, rowdy days, purposeful days, first days, last days, cold days, broke days and misunderstood days. Here I post music and/or music videos for any given day.

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Patrick FeldComment
Clothes Horse

At one or more points in my life you could have described me as a clothes horse, or a person whose chief interest and pleasure is dressing fashionably. Today not so much, but I do enjoy clothes and to be well-dressed. I'm sure I learned to appreciate clothes and how a man should dress from my father.

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Patrick FeldComment
The Concrete Home

Concrete is certainly a robust building material, it can withstand extreme weather conditions and requires little maintenance as a non-porous substance. I read it boasts excellent thermal mass, which is suppose to reduce energy spent on heating and cooling. They say concrete takes less energy to produce compared to other materials, and boasts low CO2 emissions. 

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Patrick FeldComment
Poster Design 1: Wartime Propaganda

Ranging from crude to elegant and disturbing to beautiful, wartime posters tell stories of our history and give us a peek into past attitudes and thinking. Take a look at my collection and let me know what you think. I probably missed some good ones, huh?

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Patrick Feld
My Open List of the Best Films You May Not Have Seen

Surely you've seen a few of these, but maybe not. Some of these films were under promoted and under rated, but in my opinion worth viewing. Each on my list features a trailer that you can check out to gauge your interest. I will be adding to the list, but please let me know if you have any ideas on some films that should be here.

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Patrick Feld
Poster Design 2: Film Posters

I find film posters to be fascinating. They are from an art and design perspective but also from a sales and marketing angle. Movie posters have been around for a long time and they speak to the spirit of the film. Often the poster art paints the 'brand' of the film, extending to packaging and promotion.

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Patrick Feld